The Bistroo Testnet Is Now Live On peaq
Following the launch of the peaq mainnet, we’re taking the first steps towards further development of the Bistroo Ecosystem. With the release of our Testnet we take a major step towards the implementation of the first contracts on the peaq network.
We’re very happy with your support over the past few years as we built the foundations for Bistroo. Let’s take the plunge together into the first major step towards real world utility for $BIST!
Bistroo facilitates a move towards sustainable e-commerce services through an online food ordering infrastructure against lower fees to usher in a change for the food delivery & takeaway industry. We’ve been working dilligently on the Bistroo technology which has been successfully implemented at hundreds of restaurants. A number that grows every day.
With our move into peaq’s fold on the horizon, so is the release of the first BIST contracts. To ensure a flawless transition and release, we will be rolling out these first set of contracts on peaq’s testnet for you to interact with. The implementation of BIST’s utility within our production environment is scheduled to begin immediately after successful testing.
The Testnet Portal
The Utility Portal is the Beta environment for our community to test and feedback the first two smart contracts. The Portal features the Escrow Contract, which lets you simulate the placement of an order and the acceptance of delivery by the consumer, releasing the subsequent $BIST payment directly to the merchant. The second contract available for testing is the Referral Reward Contract. With this contract, you can refer a friend for an account sign-up, for which you’ll receive $BIST when they accept the referral and create an account.
The Utility Portal runs on the peaq Testnet. You’ll be able to claim BIST and Agung-token on the agung Testnet when connecting your MetaMask wallet through the Portal.
What are you waiting for? Get started on!
The Order-Escrow Contract
With the Order-Escrow Contract, you can simulate how a direct transaction between a consumer and a merchant would operate. Follow the steps listed below for an introduction to peer-to-peer BIST transfer, including escrow-payment settlement, once delivery is confirmed by the consumer through an oracle process:
- Connect you MetaMask wallet. You should see a popup that prompts you to login to the wallet you want to use.
- Open the faucet to request Agung. Repeat this step for BIST as well. Your balances will be shown once these steps are complete.
For the BIST balance to correctly show in your metamask wallet on the Agung testnet. Please ‘import’ the following contract-address:
BIST on Agung testnet: 0x4f8D5e5dd3FDf5315339d1AB003DEE29B7D53334
- Hit ‘start order’ to receive the popup with the order information. Hit ‘order’ to confirm and place the order.
- The merchant has now received the order. Hit ‘register’ to accept the order from the merchant’s side. This will give you a MetaMask popup in which you’ll also need to confirm the test transaction.
- Once the order has been registered, you should hit ‘pay order’, after which the payment will be sent into escrow. This means that the payment will not be released to the merchant until they have performed their side of the transaction (prepared and delivered the food).
- Hit ‘send delivery’ to send the order to the customer.
- Once arrived, hit ‘confirm delivery’. You’ll receive a MetaMask popup again to confirm the delivery and release the payment from escrow to the merchant.
The Refferal Reward Contract
With the Refferal reward Contract, you can simulate what a referral to a friend would look like. Follow the steps listed below for an introduction to this Web3.0 mechanism:
- Connect you MetaMask wallet. You should see a popup that prompts you to login to the wallet you want to use.
- Open the faucet to request Agung. Repeat this step for BIST as well. Your balances will be shown once these steps are complete.
For the BIST balance to correctly show in your metamask wallet on the Agung testnet. Please ‘import’ the following contract-address:
BIST on Agung testnet: 0x4f8D5e5dd3FDf5315339d1AB003DEE29B7D53334
- Hit ‘refer’ to receive a MetaMask popup to confirm your referral.
- Your ‘friend’ has now received your referral. Hit ‘register’ to accept the referral and register your account. You’ll receive a popup welcoming you to Bistroo. Hit ‘sign up!’ to confirm the registration.
- Once the message ‘Thanks, I got a reward!’ is displayed the referral has been confirmed and the ‘referrer’ wallet will have additional funds in it from the referral.
Do you have any feedback or remarks? Please let us know through our community Telegram channel referenced below! Get your fill on everything Bistroo!
Bistroo is a SaaS e-commerce infrastructure for restaurants, powered by the BIST Token. Restaurants can serve their customers with significantly lower fees and receive instant and direct payouts. Any online order made easy, with full control to the business user. Both customers and merchants can earn rewards by contributing to the BIST ecosystem.